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"Rodach" @ the port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Date: 12-08-2003

Renamed: "Anqing" in 2003, "Azizeh F" in 2006
Ex names: "Umag Saint Malo" (1996), "Parkhaven" (1993), "Marlene S" (1986)
Loa/Bm/Dft: 101.00 x 16.90 x 7.28
Builder: Heinrich Brand KG Schiffswerft
Yard number: 200
Year: 1977
GT: 4125
NT: 2549
DWT: 6091
Eng make: Mak
Engine model: 6 MU 551 AK
Power: 2942 kW
Speed: 15.0
Gear: D2 x 25, D2 x 12
TEU: 268

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Copyright © 1998 - 2009 Leon van Duivendijk. All rights reserved.
Last updated: January 14, 2009 .

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